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[Blog #6] Japanese and English words are used in daily life 

[Blog #6] Japanese and English words are used in daily life 

In the past, the Japanese incorporated Chinese words into the Japanese language along with Chinese characters. In modern times, they have incorporated English words. A characteristic of the Japanese people is that they take in cultures and words from other countries, but they coexist with Japanese culture and language. Therefore, in daily life, the old […]

Japanese don’t say a straight No

Japanese don’t say a straight No

For instance, a woman attends a meeting wearing some clothes which do not suit her, and she asks members, “How do I look?” Even if members believe the outfit doesn’t look good, they will say like “It’s very distinctive,” or “It’s nice and showy.” Many Japanese will not say the truth as it might hurt […]

[Blog #5] Japanese Alphabet Characters

[Blog #5] Japanese Alphabet Characters

Japanese characters, which consist of hiragana, katakana, and kanji, is said to be the most complex in the world. In addition to these, there is also romaji as an alphabet auxiliary language. Romaji are phonetic characters like hiragana and katakana, and are used mainly for place names and people names for foreigners. However, Japanese sounds […]

Bowes can have various meanings

Bowes can have various meanings

Non-Japanese often say that Japanese people bow all the time. Yes, they do in many situations, When they meet someone (greeting), when they express thanks (appreciation), and when they apologize. There are more. When you enter a restaurant, their staff bow you saying,”irashaimase (you are welcome) or when you ask someone to do something. Bowing […]

[Blog #4] The Structure of Japanese Phonics

[Blog #4] The Structure of Japanese Phonics

Japanese has five vowels (a,i,o,e,o) and nine consonants (k,s,t,n,h,m,y,r,w). There are totaling 45 basic sounds consisting of the 5 vowels alone and combinations of the consonants and the vowels. Some consonants have slightly different derivatives, but you don’t have to learn them specifically, as once you get used to the basic sounds, you will easily […]

Return gift practice of Japanese people

Return gift practice of Japanese people

When you are invited to a wedding ceremony, it is common that you bring some gift money (say, 1~3 man yen. The amount i depends on your social status or relation), and the couple prepare return gift for the guests in advance. This custom is applied to other important events including funeral ceremony. It is […]

When you are invited to a Japanese home

When you are invited to a Japanese home

When Japanese people invite others to their homes, many of them offer their guests hospitality of a level which may even be considered extravagant. It is advised that you bring a small gift to show your gratitude. Preferably something from your home country. If it is not possible, something like cake or drinks are fine. […]

[Blog #3] We can communicate in English alone.

[Blog #3] We can communicate in English alone.

In fact, a method has already been developed to memorize about 100 Japanese words a day effortlessly and enjoyably. The memory method is proved by brain science, and learners who question traditional learning methods are secretly learning it with great success. However, most people still have the stereotype that language learning is grammar-based and waste […]

Misunderstanding Japanese Expressions

Misunderstanding Japanese Expressions

If you get to know a Japanese person, you may hear from the person “Why don’t you don’t you drop in our home when you are near-by.“ That person never expect you to really come over. You should be aware that this expression is mostly a kind of greeting expression to show friendship. If you […]

[Blog #2] Learning a language is a matter of learning the words first

[Blog #2] Learning a language is a matter of learning the words first

Most people who learn a language start with grammar or charcters. Learning the rules is tedious and most students lose interest and drop out within three months. Language is not a science. Infants start speaking at about 2 years of age, but they have not learned any grammar. How did they learn to speak? The […]