
Japanese food culture is rich in variety

Many foreign tourists say Japanese food are delicious, In Japan, all kinds of food is available, from traditional Japanese to foreign ingredients and dishes of the world, including halal food for Muslim believers at specialized stores and restaurants. Chinese and Korean food is taken as almost Japanese.

Japanese foods are served in different styles

Regarding the most popular sushi, each customer was used to order a topping of their choice to the chef over the counter before present conveyer sushi shops spread.

Another popular dish, ramen which is noodle served in a bowl was introduced from China, but evolved in various tastes in Japan and expanded to the world as Japanese dish.

Japanese casual dishes are served in bowls

Usually noodle as well as some rice dishes are served in a bowl Well known rice bowell dishes are gyu-don (beef), katsu-don (pork), oyako-don (chicken with egg) and ten-don (tennpura). “Don” is a shotten word of “donburi (bowl).” They are regarded casual dishes. High price dish like eel topping is served in an elegant box as “una-ju.

Popular Donburi Restaurant

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