When you are involved in trouble
Japanese people are generally honest and kind, but same as everywhere in the world. there are some bad people also in Japan. If you are involved in a trouble, contact a police box, which are located in every block in Japan, or inform it through the phone number “110.” English speaking staff will be available.
In case of emergency
In case of accident or emergency, including serious sick, call for an ambulance through the phone “119,” It will arrive soon and take you to hospital. It is free of charge; The same number is used for fire. or traffic accidents. Before you call, you should be sure where you are calling from.
When you are cheated
The typical trouble would be overcharged at bars, usually there staff standing on a lstreet, and guide you to the bar, saying lies. If you feel unreasonably expensive, try to get the receipt, and after leaving the bar and visit the nearest police box and explain the situation. Usually they have the bar information and advise you.